Allenmore Men's Club
Allenmore Men's Club Levels and Cost
Although players are welcome to join our club at any time during the year, all of our membership levels are valid for the calendar year in which they are offered (January 1 - December 31).
Junior Members (under the age of 18): $35
Club Benefits
Regular Men's Club Member Privileges & Benefits Include: ** One (1) complimentary round of golf per paid "member" prior to January 31st, complementary rounds expire on June 30th. ** Receive a 10% discount on regular priced Pro Shop merchandise. ** GHIN membership while maintaining an official handicap index. ** Eligibility to compete in all Men's Club sponsored events and tournaments. ** Annual horse race participation with complimentary food and beverages along with friendly wagering. **Annual Holiday Banquet with complimentary food and beverages. **Complete Men's Club voting privileges. ​
Join or Renew Your Membership
Our club has transitioned exclusively to WA GOLF for renewals and new memberships. You can no longer pay in the Pro Shop. The Pro Shop will, however, assist those who need assistance in Joining or Renewing their membership through the WA GOLF portal.
To join or renew the/your Allenmore Men's Club membership you must go online to WA Golf (formerly the WSGA). You can simply click on the join/renew button or WA Golf image below to be taken to the Allenmore Membership page on WA Golf. All club benefits are received once you complete the membership process. GHIN numbers are assigned to new members immediately.