Allenmore Men's Club
Allenmore Men's Club Officers
Who We Are
Mario Marsillo President
Term: April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025
President Elect Mario Marsillo (aka: Mario Day) considers this position with the Allenmore Men’s Club one of those special honors in life. Mario Day might be an appropriate description but Member Day might be a better way to frame whats ahead. He is committed to a strong partnership with Elks Allenmore Corp. and Tacoma Elks Lodge 174 to increase membership and to better serve those that join the organization. Mario became affiliated with the golf course in the mid-60s when his uncle was one of 700 members who often praised the track for its beautiful treed fairways and lush greens. Even to this day he remains convinced that Allenmore is one of the best valued and most pristine public courses in the state. Mario grew-up locally, graduating from Franklin Pierce High School, Western Washington and Pacific Lutheran Universities. Then, in 1994, he earned an Ed. Doctorate from Seattle University in School Administration & Instructional Leadership. He worked as a school principal in the Tacoma, University Place and several surrounding districts for 35 years and most recently held the position of Grant Coordinator at the University of Washington Tacoma campus. He completed a Fulbright Scholarship Program in Argentina in 1998, which he views as one of his most cherished academic achievements. Mario has included golf in his extensive travels throughout the world while playing the game in countries like Greece, France, Italy, Vietnam, and Nigeria. The challenges of golf, whether competing against yourself, those in your foursome, or a full field of 144 tournament players is often humbling and productive in creating personal growth. Outcomes of the game result in a better understanding of one’s self, those who you compete against and ultimately the human dynamics that develop lifelong friendships. It is these attributes that make the link’s experience relevant in the lessons of life! Mario invites you to get your cleats out and polish-up those clubs as we launch a most eventful and fun-filled year. Fore!

Mel Schuckenbrock
Handicap Chairman
Term: April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026
Mel joined the Elks and the Men’s Club in 2006. He retired in 2016 and has been active in many aspects of the Allenmore golf course and the Elks. He looks forward to helping educate and communicate the rules of golf and handicapping to our members.

Eric Gilson
Tournament Director
Term: April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2025
Eric was born and raised in Ketchikan, AK and came to Tacoma in 1992 to attend Pacific Luthern University. He didn't really pick up a golf club until after college in the late 90's and got hooked. He plays over 80 rounds a year at Allenmore Golf Course and is committed to seeing the Course and our Men's Club succeed. He looks forward to listening to member feedback on our torunaments and how they can be improved.